WHEREAS, the City and County of San Francisco honors Walt Baptiste
on the occasion of his 82nd birthday and for a lifetime of outstanding
achievements; and |
WHEREAS, Walt Baptiste is known throughout San Francisco,
the United States, and the world for his great pioneering in the fields
of Physical Culture, Health and Yoga for more than 60 years; and |
WHEREAS, a former Mr. America, Walt Baptiste, starting
as a 17-year-old young man, established the very first Center for Physical
Culture using weights, barbells and dumbbells and other gymnasium equipment,
introducing the science of Health and Physical Fitness to the citizens
of our City; and |
WHEREAS, also a prominent writer, having published numerous articles
and books on these subjects, Walt Baptiste has taught a countless number
of people through his classes and writings; and |
WHEREAS, Walt Baptiste introduced the First Miss Chinatown
Contest and the first Mr. Professional America event to founding his four
story Center at Arguello and Clement Streets which contained the Health
Center, The Health Food Store and Boutique, and the Hungry Mouth Restaurant;
and |
WHEREAS, Walt Baptiste is a loving a devoted husband to
Magana, his wife of 56 years, who was also a pioneer in these fields
and a first runner-up in the Miss U.S.A. Competition; now |
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Willie L. Brown Jr., Mayor
of the City and County of San Francisco, honor Walt Baptiste for
his many outstanding contributions to the health and spiritual consciousness
of so many residents of our City, wish him a wonderful 82nd birthday and
many more happy and healthy birthdays, and do hereby proclaim September
25, 1999 as...