Baptiste Power of Yoga™ in Partnership with
Harmonia Wellness Center & Social Club
Present: Foundations Yoga Training

Yoga Teacher Certification & Advancing Your Study of Yoga Program

This program will apply toward 200 and 500 hr
Baptiste Yoga Teacher Certification and Continued Ed Programs.
Required weekends: May – November, 2017 Program

Program Overview          Schedule at a Glance          Calendar for Program

STEVEN KATZ DC: Series I and Series II
5-month module, with seven segments.
Embodied Functional Anatomy

Provides 18 in class hours, giving 18 contact hours.
SERIES I: Two 3-hour sessions (May 20 & 21)
SERIES II: Four 3-hour sessions
(October 14, 15 - Oct 28, and 29)

Steven Katz

SERIES I: 2 Segment Module (6 hr/credit )
Embodied Functional Anatomy
Cost $195 Non Members -$185 Harmonia Members
Location: Harmonia Wellness Center - Sausalito, CA
To Register: Call Allison Berardi - 415-332-1432

To fully appreciate the shapes we assume in yoga, we will uncover the anatomy of joints, muscles, fascia, fluids, and the nervous system. This process will stir your imagination and heighten the sense that transformation of your being (beginning with the body) is always possible. This highly practical course requires your intellect, your body, and your imagination. Be prepared to fall in love with anatomy.

Functional Anatomy: Feet and Knees
May 20 Saturday 3-6 pm (3hr)
Complexity of Support
• In Life as in Yoga this is the dynamic foundation that allows us to
stand, walk, run and have stability and mobility.
Functional Anatomy: Pelvis and Abdominal Core
May 21 Sunday 3-6 pm (3hr)
Hub of the Body
• To the ancient yogis, cradled within this region, we find the resting place of kundalini-shakti energy. In modern life, we recognize this as the center of stability, core strength and ease.

SERIES II: 4 Segment Module (12 hr/credit)
Yoga Posture Alignment – Postural Integrity & Standing Postures
These sessions delve into the biomechanics of asana reveals the miraculous nature of our bodies and movement.

Cost $295 Non-Members - $285 Harmonia Members
Location: Harmonia Wellness Center - Sausalito, CA
To Register: Call Allison Berardi - 415-332-1432

Weekend I:

Functional Anatomy: Spine and Skull
October 14, Saturday 12:15-2:45pm (2.5hr)
Center of the Yogic Universe
• Yogic literature recognizes the shushmna channel, as carrying lifeforce pranic energy up through the subtle body. Stability, mobility, and overall functioning are the essence of these areas.

Functional Anatomy: Shoulders, Arms and Hands
Oct 15, Sunday, 12-3 pm (3hrs)
Manipulative Ability
• The human ability to engage freely with full range of motion, mobility of shoulders, arms and the hands determines much about our posture and movement in and through the world, on and off the mat.

Weekend II:

Foundation of Posture: Forward Bends & Hip Openers
October 28, Saturday 3-6pm (3hrs)

Foundations of Posture: Inversions, Shoulder, Head Stand
October 29, Saturday 12pm-3 (3hrs)

BIO: Dr. Steven Katz first became a student of Yoga in 1970 under the tutelage of Sri Swami Satchidananda. This formative experience led him to a career in chiropractic that has now spanned 40 years. Dr. Katz has a thriving practice in Mill Valley, CA and incorporates yoga therapeutics into the treatment plan for almost all his patients. He is recognized by the yoga community as a leader in this field and offers a quality of expertise and understanding about the mechanics of the body in yoga that is so effective and simple to apply to practice and daily life. An avid runner, including runs like the Dipsea, a Yogi, natural athlete, and outdoorsman, he might be found in trikonasana, in the midst of a run somewhere high up on Mt. Tamalpais in Marin County.

These workshops are open to all students of Yoga: members, non-members, teachers, teachers-in-training and those who want to deepen their practice. 24 Hour cancellation policy applies.

Call Allison Berardi - 415 332-1432 or Allison at 415-819-8524
Please in addition also Email: Sherri Baptiste at Baptiste Power of Yoga

Harmonia Wellness Center/Social Club (10 min North of San Francisco)
Sausalito, CA
(10 min North of San Francisco)

Harmonia Wellness Center/Social Club is a facility dedicated on every level to helping its clientele achieve the very best of wellbeing for body, mind and spirit. Harmonia offers a studio experience that elevates your practice and your studies. This Historic: Plant Record Recording Studio, with its community of members and staff is dedicated to the very best of community events, education, health and fitness.

Additional: Sherri Baptiste mentoring and ‘Baptiste Power of Yoga Teacher Certification’ are also available. Please request more information.

Please in addition also Email: Sherri Baptiste @ Baptiste Power of Yoga

Program Director: Sherri Baptiste is an inspirational yoga teacher at the forefront of training in America. She is the daughter of America’s yoga pioneers and master teachers Magana and Walt Baptiste. A member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT), Sherri’s teacher -training certification and continuing education programs 200 hr and 500 hr are recognized by Yoga Alliance at the highest designated levels of E-RYT 500. She is also recognized by the International Yoga Federation as an honorary member of the World Yoga Council. Founder of Baptiste Power of Yoga™ she is the Author of Yoga with Weights for Dummies & Yoga All in One for Dummies. She serves as a Conference Presenter nationally and internationally, as her teacher training programs provide an empowering, peaceful oasis in a hurried world, a place where students can find within themselves the tools and knowledge to support and maintain a happier, healthier lifestyle.